Reseller Program

Reseller Proragm at Juz-In Closet (TR Trading)

By reading this you are one step away from making extra income for yourself in the easy way.

What do we offer?
As a reseller simply what you do is find us customers. The more they buy, the more money you make. You don't even have to pile up stock at your place, all you have to do is be in contact with  your customer.

People call it dropshipping but we call it partnership!

Once your customer made order from you, then you make an order to us. We then deliver to your customer after you made payment to us for the order you make. We will deliver on behalf of you so your customer will not know us. In this way, they will always purchase from you.

How much money you will make from this?


You decide how much profit you want to make and how do you want to do it. All in your own convenience.

Want even more money?

Find us a reseller like you who will find another reseller and get commission when they purchase from us!
The more reseller you get for us the more money you will make.
The more they sell, the more money you will get.
The more they find more reseller, the closer you will get to the bonus of $2,000.00

People call it Multi Level Markting but we call it family business 

Commission of your downlines will be accumulated as your group points. In this way, you will be able to claim more commission. Want to know how much commission you can make? Join us today and we will share all with you!


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